Using Daily Affirmations

By Arthur M. Taylor

There are a lot of people out there that are skeptical about the idea that daily affirmations will be able to do anything to help improve their lives. A lot of these people think that repeating a phrase to themselves every single day seems a little silly and even embarrassing. If you already know that you want to be happy, wealthy, and successful, then what's the point of repeating this to yourself every single day?

To truly understand how positive affirmations can make a difference in your life, you must first understand the subconscious mind. The truth is, you're not trying to convince your conscious mind of anything at all. What you're really trying to do is reprogram your subconscious mind.Sometimes it's a little difficult to appreciate the true power of the subconscious mind. To put it simply, this is the part of your mind that processes your thoughts when you're not even aware of it. Have you ever struggled to solve a problem or situation, only to have a spark of inspiration when you least expected it? This is actually your subconscious mind at work. It is the part of your mind that continues to function long after your conscious mind has moved on to other things.

But, surely, the point is that someone who uses this affirmation on a daily basis will find some relevance in it? They are likely to be someone who follows a western religious doctrine and takes comfort from the Bible. You would be unlikely to find someone of an eastern faith using this particular form of words as a source of strength.I recently visited Nepal and had the privilege of seeing many Buddhist followers repeatedly chanting the mantra "Om Ma Ni Pad Me Hum" as they walked trance-like around the Boudhanath in Kathmandu.

What about the real estate salesman who wakes in the morning, stares himself in the mirror and affirms "I have the inner strength to make this sale today"? He affirms it again and again until it is ingrained in his subconscious and his lips murmur it while he brushes his teeth... While he drives to work... He's like an automaton, trance like as he operates the car.

Two things are noteworthy. Firstly, these phrases are short and have a context of relevance to the participant. Secondly, they are repeated in such a way and with such regularity that their incantation becomes an almost mindless (and I mean that in the most positive way!) act. It's not so much the content of the words that matters so much as their emotional relevance and their sound.Find some time to repeat some positive statements that have meaning to you each day and see how your mood changes.Make it relevant,Make it short,Repeat it regularly for a set amount of time each day,Make it automatic.

Positive affirmations are not a magic bullet for a successful and happy life. But they can help influence your thought process and have a meaningful impact on your behavior.What are your thoughts on positive daily affirmations? Are you trying to achieve complete happiness in your life like everyone is these days, but are not succeeding? Then you need to understand how you can use daily affirmations to achieve the happiness in your life that you are aiming for.

You must be persistent when using positive affirmations. Saying an occasional affirmation to your-self is as effective as doing a few push-ups occasional. You won't see any appreciable results until you make them a daily part of you routine just like brushing your teeth or combing your hair. Try them for at least thirty days in a row with-out missing any days. You should begin to notice a definite shift in your thoughts and behaviors.

Choose a certain time a day to do your positive affirmations. For example,8.00 am each morning for five minutes. By selecting a specific time to do your affirmations you are making time to do them instead of try to find the time.The great thing about doing affirmations is that after only a short period of time they will become an automatic part of your daily thinking and behavior. You wont have to use conscious effort. That's when you will reap the full benefits of using daily positive affirmations.First, before actually get to the benefits of daily positive affirmations, let's get a clear definition of exactly what an affirmation is. An affirmation is an assertion of support or agreement. It is a declaration of the truth. Basically, an affirmation is something we consciously choose to believe or agree with.

Use pictures whenever possible because this will make it much easier to change your way of thinking to be positive. By repeating the affirmations to yourself and seeing a picture at the same time, your subconscious mind will have a much easier time of believing it is true in your physical world. Now that you know how to use daily affirmations to achieve the complete happiness you want; all that is left is to get started using them. Just remember that it will take time for them to start working, but once they do you will be amazed at how many things in your life you can change so that you have complete happiness in all areas of your life.

First you must decide on a specific goal or outcome you wish to achieve. Do you want to loose weight, stop procrastination or control your temper? Whatever it is that you want to do, you must state it in the positive. You must focus on what you want not on what you don't want. Keep your affirmation in the present tense. Futurist statements focus on what will happen someday. Some days never come. "I will lose weight one day" will keep you looking to the future. A great way to stay focused on the present is to begin your affirmations with "I AM..." Try this,"I am happily achieving my weight loss goals." notice the word happily? That puts some emotion into it which makes the affirmation more powerful.

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