Transcendental Meditation Can Make You Money

By Eddie H. Gillis

Sitting in a field of flowers, legs crossed, wrapped in white cloth, the sweet smell of incense wafting through the air. That's what most people think of when they hear the word: meditation. But what we see and hear in the media is not always an accurate picture of reality. The Transcendental Meditation technique is a simple mental procedure that is practiced for twenty minutes twice per day. It has been learned by millions of people and has been the subject of hundreds of research studies. But just what is Transcendental Meditation (or TM) and how does one learn it? Here are some of the details regarding the TM technique and its practice.

In our current reality, doing nothing (or non-doing) is seen as a ridiculous waste of time. There's money to be had, and sitting around watching your thoughts is seen as a perfect way to miss out on making it. We're here to tell you that this couldn't be further from the truth. Your thoughts act as a lens through which you perceive reality. In this way, they guide and shape all your decisions and actions, and in turn, either make you money or make you lose money. Therefore, if you want to make a lot of money, learning how to control and alter your thoughts is of vital importance. This is where meditation comes into play. Meditation allows you to step out of your thoughts and watch them as an observer. It enables you to understand your thought processes and patterns of thinking. And it is only once you understand how you think, that you can begin to change what you think.

Concentration-In a concentration technique for self development a person might be asked to focus on a candle, to eliminate all thoughts, to visualize something or to focus on a particular thought, part of the body etc. Then, whenever the mind wanders from the candle or the visualization etc. the concentration technique requires that we bring our attention back to the point or topic of focus i.e. candle etc. The TM technique however, is unique and different in that it does not involve any concentration or focus. Transcendental Meditation is a completely effortless technique in which the mind flows naturally and purposefully to the field of creative silence (or Pure Consciousness) at the source of the mind. This happens spontaneously and naturally, with out effort, when one practices the Transcendental Meditation technique.Breathing-Many meditation techniques focus on the rhythm of the breath. The TM technique does not focus on the breath or its rhythm. Instead TM utilizes the minds own natural tendency to move towards greater peace and silence within in the same way that gravity causes a stone to sink through the water in a pond. In this same way, the mind is spontaneously and naturally drawn deep inside during the TM practice, independent of what may be going on with the breath.

TM technique works automatically spontaneously and effortlessly according to the law of nature. It make use of the natural tendency of the mind to move forward a field of greater charm and the natural mechanisms of the body to neutralize stress and restore balance in its functioning. It makes the mind orderly, gives the body deep rest and improves coordination between the two which means clear awareness to focus sharply and succeed in activity.

I learned the TM technique from a qualified TM teacher when I was a senior in high school. Since then it has given me thousands of hours of inner peace and tranquility. It has made me a better person and a more effective human being. I hope that you will also have the opportunity to enjoy it soon.Transcendental Meditation, TM and Maharishi are registered or common law trademarks licensed to Maharishi Vedic Education Development Corporation and are used under sublicense.The Transcendental Meditation technique may be an effective and safe non-pharmaceutical aid for treating ADHD, according to a promising new study published this month in the peer-reviewed online journal Current Issues in Education.

The benefits of TM program is divided into three categories - the mental benefits, the physical benefits and the benefits that integrate both mind and body. TM develops five fundamentals necessary for progress and success in life - stability, adaptability, purification, integration and growth.

Scientists the world over began studying the effects of the TM technique. The result of these studies printed in dozens of scientific journals and reported in hundreds of newspapers and magazines confirms the benefits. These scientific studies offer a vision of man with greater clarity of mind, improve health and freedom from tension, anxiety and stress.It is not difficult to learn transcendental meditation. If you are looking to escape from the whirlwind of ringing cell phones, traffic snarls and screaming kids, transcendental meditation can provide a peaceful getaway from the craziness of everyday life.

In 1958, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi formally introduced his transcendental meditation technique. Since then, he has written several books, lectured and toured extensively all over the world and trained over 40,000 teachers. Transcendental meditation is now practiced in the workplace, at home and in medical settings. In addition, doctors and health professionals are increasingly prescribing transcendental meditation as means of combating anxiety disorders and stress.

I had learned the Transcendental Meditation technique several years before. And though I loved beautiful things like anyone else, I also loved the beautiful, inner silence I experienced during my twice daily meditations even more. Through my practice of the Transcendental Meditation technique I found a place within me, from which all my creativity emerged; a flow of subtle impulses that guide me serenely through my daily life, even to this day.

Basically, during the meditation session, your body enters a deep and peaceful state of relaxation, while maintaining alertness and clarity. First, the person chooses a word or image to focus on, perhaps a religious or cultural symbol that has special meaning. As the person replays this word or image over and over, the body descends into a deeper and deeper state of restfulness. The session can last anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour and should take place in a calm and relaxed setting, with minimal noise and distractions.

No other meditation technique has been so extensively studied and researched. During transcendental meditation, the brain falls into a theta brain wave pattern (akin to sleep and deep relaxation), which then carries over to the state of wakefulness. Physical benefits include increased mental comprehension, focus, retention and creativity. Another interesting benefit is the actual reversal of the aging process. In a study conducted by the International Journal of Neuroscience, the biological age of practitioners of transcendental meditation was, on average, twelve years younger than their chronological age. Transcendental meditation also has positive effects on age and stress related conditions such as insomnia, high blood pressure, decreased visual acuity, hearing loss and depressed cerebral blood flow.

Facts about The Transcendental Meditation technique.The Transcendental Meditation technique is an effortless technique practiced 10-20 minutes twice a day sitting comfortably with the eyes closed.TM is not a religion or philosophy and involves no new beliefs or change in lifestyle.Over 350 peer-reviewed research studies on the TM technique confirm a range of benefits for mind, body and behavior.Several studies have compared the effects of different meditation practices and found that Transcendental Meditation provides deeper relaxation and is more effective at reducing anxiety, depression and hypertension than other forms of meditation and relaxation. In addition, no other meditation practice shows the widespread coherence throughout all areas the brain that is seen with Transcendental Meditation.The Transcendental Meditation technique is taught in the United States by a non-profit, educational organization.

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