3 Tips For Getting More From The Science Of Getting Rich

By Marie M. Clarke

I've written on this topic before, and now after some months of studying this program what comes to mind now is wow! If you want to get your hands on something that can really change your life, I mean really change it, then you have a winning way right here, right now, in front of you and ready for you. And tell you what-i'm willing to bet you might be ready for it too.No questions. Period. This is hands down some of the best material I have ever come across. As bob proctor says himself this stuff should have been in school programs. And the guy is definitely qualified-he's one of the best in his field. He's been studying this stuff for 50 years, and you know what? He's living the life of his dreams. And he says you can too!

"The Secret" and its interpretation of the "Law of Attraction" drew a lot of controversy. One argument is the simplicity of using the Law of Attraction to become materially wealthy. Although few of us take the necessary actions to move beyond dreaming into co-creating our own perception of reality, I take exception to criticism of the Law's simplicity.I don't need to understand how electricity works to brighten my home at night. If my home is wired properly, electrical appliances are connected correctly and I follow the operating instructions, I can use electricity for anything I want every time. Simplicity works.

The author of the book begins with a discussion of humanity's right to be rich. Material wealth can be a means of living a fuller, more successful and therefore, more productive life. To earn a living doing what one loves is everyone's dream. However, most of us learn "it doesn't work that way". Those who believe "the rich get richer when the poor get poorer" contribute to the accuracy of that belief in their lives and the lives of those whom they influence. But it doesn't have to be that way.

Unfortunately, there are a whole host of others out there where the title is the same as the original and there isn't a co-author's or editor's name listed, yet the text of the original book has been substantially edited and/or revised.Personally, when I want to know what a particular author has to say, I want to read his or her own words and not those of someone else. This is especially true in the case of Wallace D. Wattles' writings.

I'm just like everyone else out there in a way. I have my own hurdles like the rest, but"living" this material provides the light at the end of the tunnel when the going gets tough. One huge benefit, as this program shows is "you get what you feel". No matter what I encounter now I understand I had a part in bringing it toward myself -good or not so good. I know 'where things come from now" and you know what, a lot more good things come than bad now. That's through practicing what I learned. And making feeling good a habit. I'll repeat that. If you make feeling good a habit and practice it long enough, you'll have the ability to spring out of bed each day like when you were a kid, and feel great almost all the time, no matter what is going on in your life. A lot of things we do in life are simply habits, period. You have the choice of practicing habits that help you or hurt you. Your choice. You get back what you are feeling. It works. Ever notice what comes back when you think rotten, depressing, angry, or anxious thoughts? And how quick they come? Thats power! You'll attract every circumstance, feeling, person etc. Into your life that matches these thoughts simply because that's how creation works. Ever attracted anything good when you're thinking that way? That's because it's not possible. Thoughts and feelings are the most powerful things in existence and science has proven this long ago. Everything ever created started first as a thought.Bob Proctor is known as the Master on this, and The Science of Getting Rich will teach you how you can use the phenomenal power of YOUR thoughts, through knowledge passed through the centuries to achieve anything you desire.

None of us knows the meaning of every word there is in the English language. Many words have multiple meanings. And, keep in mind, Wallace D. Wattles wrote "The Science of Getting Rich" nearly one hundred years ago. Many words that were in common usage then are no longer commonly used today and many words that were used back then were used with a different meaning than the meaning we'd attach to them today.A good example of this is the word "check". If you look up the word check in a dictionary, you'll see it has a number of meanings. One of the meanings is to examine something to see if it's true or satisfactory. Another meaning is to stop or slow something down.In Chapter 9 of "The Science of Getting Rich", Wallace D. Wattles wrote:"But you can check all this by starting a negative impression in the Formless Substance."

But you can stop or slow all this by starting a negative impression in the Formless Substance.Although the word check was commonly used to mean stop or slow something down when Wallace D. Wattles wrote "The Science of Getting Rich", it's not a common use of the word today.If you didn't know the word check had multiple meanings, or if you didn't know the word check was commonly used with this meaning back then, it'd be easy for you to misinterpret what Wallace D. Wattles was saying.

You can read "The Science of Getting Rich" hundreds of times. You can study it until you're blue in the face. You can memorize it, philosophize, and talk about it to your heart's content. However, until you apply what you learn from it, you're not going to get the results you're seeking from it, PERIOD! I know, at first glance, it seems like there's an awful lot in it to apply. However, the simple truth of the matter is there really isn't. In reality, there are only a tiny handful of concepts you really need to apply.

On proven results.With the ability of particle accelerators they have been able to divide ANYTHING on earth to the point of it being energy alone. One same energy of which everything comes from and of which everything is a part of. Including us. And this energy is affected by thought. This is proven beyond a doubt scientifically. So the thought "if we can hold it in the mind, we can hold it in the hand is scientifically proven". Through the power of thought.

In his opinion, you can do anything you want provided you think and act accordingly. He strongly believes that everyone has a right to lead a life they want and it is entirely in our hands to create it for us. For this purpose, one has to set a goal, actually write it down on a goal card, and then visualize success each day until one day it actually becomes a reality. Of course, such an approach requires a good deal of discipline and loads of positive thinking. It may not be always possible to ward off negative thoughts but one can always diminish the power of these thoughts making way for more constructive thoughts.He also believes that there is a season for sowing and reaping so that you can get the reward. You need to prepare the soil and cultivate the seed of idea so that it turns into reality one day. He offers personalized training to members of the SGR club during weekly meetings. The SGR seminars have also received an overwhelming response from people who have finally realized the importance of the Law of Attraction.

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