Wallace Wattles Science of Getting Rich Lessons

By Adrian M. Felton

The Science of Getting Rich pre-dates Napoleon Hill's classic "Think and Grow Rich". Yet both contain some quite similar ideas.The basic idea of Science of Getting Rich is that you need to focus on what you want. Wallace D Wattles says "No thought of form can be impressed upon Original Substance without causing the creation of the form".

Wallace Wattles revealed something that is now regarded as a scientific reality. There is a universal intelligence-the Creator or God -which is the wellspring of all the great things that are ready to come into your life. It provides limitless possibilities for you to succeed on all levels and live fully.Here's where gratitude enters the picture. The most effective approach for establishing a connection with this universal intelligence is both profound and simple, by being grateful.Your Four Arguments to Be Grateful,Thankfulness attracts positive things you desire to you.Are you longing for riches and the freedom that comes with it? Then your job is simple: give thanks.

The more gratefully you fix your attention on the Infinite when good things come your way, the more wonderful things you will attract, and the more quickly they will appear. To put it simply, thankfulness sets the Law of Attraction into play on your behalf! Being grateful wards off bad thinking.Do you view your life in a bad light? Or maybe you're feeling sad at the moment? Gratitude replaces these kind of thoughts. Try it this minute. Come up with a simple thing you can be grateful for and notice what happens.

If you fill your awareness with grateful feelings about all the blessings in your life, you can't also hold onto negative thinking. A stress-free and joyful life is heading your way! Gratitude raises you onto the Creative Plane.In his "Science Book," Wattles explained the journey between two realities: the Competitive Plane and the Creative Plane.The Competitive Plane is led by struggle and fear. Here people think that they have to fight their way to the top and get the upper hand for a seemingly a limited supply of riches.The Creative Plane is on the other end of the spectrum. Here people prosper surrounded by a world characterized by love, joy, and freedom. These people realize that there isn't a limit to the riches the universe can supply and there's not a need to concern oneself with competition. There is an abundance of every possible good.Wattles' primary point is to embrace the spirit of a Creator not a Competitor. And the continuous expression of gratitude allows you to plant your feet securely on the Creative Plane.Faith stems from being grateful.

Zig Ziglar said that you will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want. This is an attitude born from the perspective of the creative mind. And it represents a theme that is universal amongst all of the masters. The path to fulfilling your purpose and to living your dream is through the service you provide to others.

Here comes a movie which tells the truth, the stuff that that "The Master Teacher" was trying to get into our cerebral area 2000 years ago. He was ridiculed to the point of crucifixion. "Whatsoever things ye ask for when ye pray, believe that you receive them, and ye shall have them," said Jesus. I'll admit that I read the same book that Ronda Byrne's says changed her life "The Science of Getting Rich".

To cut a long story short that's basically what The Science of Getting Rich is about. It's about trusting that the pictures you create for yourself are what's forming your life. Your pictures are the system that keeps your life going the way it is going. As Wallace Wattles pens in the Science of Getting Rich. "There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made, and which, in it's original state, permeates, penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe. A thought, in this substance produces the thing that is imaged by the thought.A person can form things in his thought, and, by impressing his thought upon formless substance, can cause the thing he thinks about to be created.

It sounds like a power packed program and judging by the success of ,"The Secret", I'm sure it is well on its way to deliver its potent formula for building wealth on a worldwide level.Is it possible that our reality is created by our thoughts? Well a universal law known as the, "Law of Attraction", states: How we think is directly linked to what is manifested in our lives.You can look at it like this: For every action there is a reaction. Therefore we can say for every positive thought there is a positive reaction. This is no mumbo jumbo, in fact; it is a self-evident truth that your thoughts are made up of the energy that has a direct affect to your reality.Holding no one else responsible, we are the creators of our own reality by the way we think and the choices we make. When we truly grasp this concept we begin to take control of our lives and understand that the only limits we have are the ones we create.

We must be careful how we think though and always be aware of the type of thoughts we choose because what we think about will be attracted to us wither we know it or not. If you are always thinking about what you dont want to happen, more than likely, it will be attracted into your life. Instead focus all your energy on your success and remember to think big. (No limits!) You have to really feel what you want, like you have already reached your destination and stay focused on that energy in your mind, and eventually it will be a reality. There can be no distractions, so let go of any thoughts that may get in the way of what you want. It is really that simple.

Unfortunately, most people dont practice this way of thinking and it is no surprise that so many people struggle with their lives, especially the financial aspect. Today, 96% of the world's wealth is being earned by 1% of the population! Some people work their whole lives but never experience financial freedom. Basically, one who obtains wealth does so by doing things in a certain way (It is not an accident).Now there is actually a wealth system called the, "Science of Getting Rich Program", designed by the 3 main teachers who brought us, "The Secret". It is based on the principles and philosophies of attracting wealth that Wallace D. Wattles presented to the world in his timeless classic, "The Science of Getting Rich", written in 1910.(This is the same book that inspired ,"The Secret") The SGR Program is a step by step course revealing the potent formula for attracting wealth and is loaded with an abundance of tools and resources along with a live support team which makes a powerful learning environment for mastering the techniques required for building wealth.By learning the ,"Certain Way"described in, "The Science of Getting Rich", you will be well on your way down the road to financial freedom.

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