3 Habits That Enhance Focus

By Hal Neff

Unless you're some sort of a Buddhist monk, you experience distractions every now and then which lessen your effectiveness in getting your job done.

The internet is especially disrupting with email, messages, status updates, and more. But distractions include fellow workers, family members, and our own wandering minds. It seems that we dawdle our lives away five minutes at a time.

The big question is how to defeat this habit. How can you utilize the Internet constructively without falling victim to its distractive features?

Try turning these techniques into daily habits that help you become more efficient and effective:

1 . Use time limits. If we set a time limit, we improve our capability to focus. It almost turns into a game of 'beat the clock'. Ideally, you should use a timer and limit your work periods to around 25 or fifty five minutes - with a 5-10 minute break in between tasks. If a task is going to take longer than 55 minutes, break it down into smaller parts.

* Having a time limit also pushes you to do the most essential parts of any work. When you only have an hour, you are going to have to decide what is most essential. This is much better than choosing to simply work on something until it's done. Determine how long it should get, and then set the timer.

* If you have any sort of attention challenge, using a timer can increase your capability to keep your mind on the task at hand. Time flies by, and you'll get more done. You're likely to even find it relaxing, since you'll be focused on what you are doing instead of thinking about twenty other things.

* Research has shown that the most productive schedule for most people is:

o Fifty minutes of work o Ten minute break o 50 more minutes of work o 30 minute break (You might not be able to get away with a 30-minute break at work, but it's a great time to stand up, walk around, and get a drink. ) o Repeat

* Time your breaks. If you choose to check your email or do one of those other tasks that seem to magically go from five minutes to 30 minutes or more, utilizing a timer will serve as a reminder. It will also push you to only check on the most important things.

2 . Close everything that can be closed. Everything on your pc that is not necessary for the job at hand should be closed down. If you do not need the web, turn it off. That includes all of your email, notifications, online games, and blogs. Close your door and unplug the phone, if possible.

* Nothing goes anywhere - it will all still be there when you are finished. One of the keys to being more efficient is removing the stuff that make us less productive.

3. Insert a pause, as needed. When you first implement these practices, there will be times that you will have an amazing urge to check your email, Facebook, or Twitter.

* Before you succumb to the need, take 10 seconds and pause. Have a long, deep breath and ask yourself if you really want to waste your time on something that is basically useless, or if you'd rather achieve something sensible.

The capability to concentrate has been largely lost for most of us. But these easy habits, which anyone can do, can go a long way toward developing your concentration and efficiency at any job.

It is likely to be difficult at the beginning, but you can do it. You may get more done, quicker, by learning to increase your focus and avoiding the things that waste your precious time.

Set these three practices into play beginning today. You will be impressed by how much more you can get done!

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