Help Me Study By Reducing My Stress

By Lachlan Haynes

Oh So Stressed

Everyone experiences stress. Stress can be both good and bad depending on the level of stress experienced and the result it creates. When it creates focus and action it can be a good thing. But when it creates anxiety, tension and a feeling of being "overloaded" it is obviously a bad outcome.

What is really relevant here is how we respond to the feeling of stress. All of us can have feelings of impatience, irritation, annoyance and anger from time to time - but the way in which we react to those stimuli defines our ability to cope with stress.

When we are feeling stressed, even the smallest things can totally set us off, often leading to a verbal barrage on friends or family (or even innocent bystanders) that leaves us looking like an emotional wreck and those around us feeling the aftermath of our outburst. This happens because the stress we are carrying around is clouding our judgement and impacting on the way we view the world - which in turn impacts the way we treat others.

The major challenge with stress is preventing the behaviors it creates from becoming habits. Habits occur when we consistently engage in certain actions or behaviors over a certain amount of time. Therefore, if the feeling of "being stressed" becomes a regular feeling it may actually become the norm feeling. When that happens the individual spends their entire life feeling miserable but they aren't even aware it's because they have formed a detrimental habit.

The bad news is that habits can't be eliminated; but the good news is that habits can be replaced. If you are serious about removing stress from your life you need to get serious about replacing this destructive habit.

The Problem: I'm Being A Negative Nelly

Negative self-dialogue is a consistent reaction to stressful situations. Responses such as "I can't do this", "I am going to fail", or "I don't know what I'm doing" only add further stress to the stress that is being experienced! It is a downward spiral. Unfortunately, this type of dialogue is also our most powerful dialogue and controls our responses to stressful situations.

The result of negative self-dialogue can be easy to see. Extreme reactions to what others may view as a small issue is caused by a self-dialogue that believes others are wishing them harm or out to get them, or simply one that has created the habit of a negative reaction to virtually all situations (regardless of whether they are viewed as good or bad by others). I'm sure we have all come into contact with people that constantly worry about everything and view everything in a negative light. It's not much fun is it?

This can be potentially very serious - it may also lead to being quite lonely (or grouped with other negative self-talkers - yikes there's a bunch of them - run!) The negativity tends to hang over this person like a dark cloud. However, the good news is that it can be overcome by making positive self-talk a habit.

The Solution: The Voice Inside Me Builds Me Up!

The remedy to negative self-dialogue is simple: positive self-dialogue. The hard part is executing it consistently enough that it becomes your new habit. Having just learned about the dangers of negative self-dialogue the benefits of positive self-dialogue should be clear. A regular state of optimism and positivism creates an amazing new outlook on life. Once again, this is a self-fulfilling prophecy - only this time it is a powerful positive force behind you. By having a feeling that "everything is fantastic" and "everything that happens to me is wonderful" is results in a totally different perception of life - and a totally different future for you.

Regardless of what your perception is telling you right now (that this is a lame idea of that it's a great idea) the reality is that a positive attitude leads to less stress - even though the situation itself has not changed at all. Regular positive and uplifting self-dialogue such as "I will succeed", "I will overcome this challenge", "I will prevail" or "My life always turns out for the best" will serve you in good times and bad. By making these positive thoughts your regular and consistent reaction to any challenge, your life will be better. No doubt about it. Don't believe me? Try it the next time you fail, or the next time you get criticized, or the next time you feel stressed out. They try it every day for a week, then every week for a month. I promise you that you will be amazed at what your new positive perception can accomplish.

If you don't know why you're stressed out you wont be able to understand how to resolve it. It's easy to blame external forces like school, or your teachers, or your parents - but often it really comes down to how you internalize the stress and allow it to take hold of you. Only be examining what is really stressing you out will you be able take charge of the situation. To read the full article and find out more please follow the links below. Good luck!

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