How To Free Myself From Emotional Pain The Creative Way

By Elaine Guthrie

Disappointments, frustration and anger are inevitable. However constant manifestation of these emotions can be detrimental to ones well-being. It can lead to manic depression if not addressed immediately. Ignoring it on the other hand produce the same effect. Knowing how to free myself from emotional pain is helpful in overcoming such ill feelings. Producing such outline is useful in obtaining inner peace amidst confusion.

Start with a journal. Spontaneously write every thought, idea or feelings. Have the habit of reviewing every entry before proceeding to the next page. This will help determine the source of each emotion. Acknowledging it is useful in creating an action plan to resolve the concern.

It is normal to grieve. It is part of the process. However do not prolong it. Find a confidant and pour those emotions. Compressing it will only produce negative reactions thus you should let it go. Sharing that burden somehow uplift that burden making it possible for you to arrive on a sound decision.

Store the memories away in the basement. Stop looking at old pictures, love letters and other souvenirs of the past until you have moved on. Reminiscing may only hinder the heart to forget. Rekindling every memory will only make you feel the lost thus engage in activities that you have not tried before. Use each moment to be productive. Entertain new possibilities that will improve your well-being. However try not to get into illicit acts. It will only produce regrets prolonging the healing process.

Be a blessing to others. Do community service or simply console a friend. Listen and learn from their struggles. The situation may not be the same but it helps one realize that there are more important things in life than grieving. It is also a good idea if you surround yourself with positive but realistic people. Find a support group that lets you see the lighter side of the situation without being disillusioned. It would be ideal to engage with folks who have survived the same experience or individuals who keeps you from crying over spilled milk.

Meditate when everything is at its worse. Approach a spiritual advisor or simply join a prayer group when seeking inner peace. Read biblical passages for wisdom or browse Cyberspace for inspirational stories. Write its lessons on index cards and bring it along with you all the time. Read it especially when you feel the emotion is taking over you. Sometimes seeking divine intervention is better than being surrounded with the wrong crowd.

Do not forget to stay fit during your struggle. Observe proper diet, get enough rest and exercise. Being heartbroken is not a good reason to neglect ones health. Besides you cannot resolve conflicts without a sound mind and a healthy body.

Each hardship enables one to become a better person. Be bold enough to face it. Dodge all negative vibes to achieve contentment and happiness. Take struggles as a challenge. Be persistent and patient in overcoming it. Do not be afraid to let go of stumbling blocks. Grudges will only hinder you from attaining a better life.

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