A Good Book Review On The Ministry Of Healing

By Elaine Guthrie

Health is a big issue nowadays as there are so many diseases that are spreading worldwide because of lifestyle and health problems. It is because of this that people are not relying solely on synthetic drugs anymore but more now on natural cures and foods for prevention and also to some extent, a cure for some of their conditions. One very good read about this topic would be the Ministry of Healing by Ellen White and would talk about health in the world today.

Now just to give one an idea about the author, she is actually a founded of the Seventh Day Church. This is an Adventist sect that is known to put a lot of importance in a healthy lifestyle because they believe that the body that God lent to humans should be taken care of. They believe that spiritual health is also linked to physical health which is why they believe that the body should be really taken care of.

Now in the first part of this book, miss White first mentions about the ministry of God and how he created men to be able to be one with nature. When one would say nature, he would mean that God made sure that everything created on the earth would take care of the bodies of men. She would then to establish the connection between spiritual health and physical health.

However, in modern times, the world has become more and more fast paced because of all the things to do and deadlines to meet. Of course it is because of this very fast lifestyle that stress would come in. Stress plays a very big role in sicknesses because stress would actual created bad toxins in the body that would actually make the body not well.

Of course it is always better to prevent a sickness than to cure it which is why the book puts heavy emphasis on diet. The diet is one thing that most people would take for granted because in general are in love with yummy food that may also be bad for the health. This book will teach the readers how to make a diet plan and outweigh the bad food with healthy food.

Now there will also be a point in life wherein one will get sick because it is impossible for one never to get sick. Fortunately, there are also a lot of natural cures for sicknesses out there. What these natural medicines would do is that they would help the body parts function optimally so that the body itself can fight against the sickness.

Now this book would also mention some things about sleeping habits and exercise. This is already related to diet because without regular physical engaging or rest, the body cannot break down nutrients properly. When this happens, the food that was consumed will not be optimally broken down.

Now what this book actually advocates would actually be a lifestyle shift. It is important for one to have a healthy lifestyle if he would want to still be strong during old age. This book will definitely be able to help.

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