Why People Are Praying To Our Creator

By Beryl Dalton

Whenever people have a problem they will always look to a mystical being called God for advice. Sometimes praying to our creator can do a great deal for certain human beings who still have faith. At other times this entire act may prove to be a waste of time. Certain individuals living on this planet do not believe in the existence of an all knowing spirit that can bring good and evil upon the world.

Every single person in this society wants to have more money than they can spend and this may never become a reality. Sometimes a load of cash can really help someone to pay off their credit card bills and other expenses that may exist. Many of the preachers in America advise their followers to only pray for things that are necessary and not materialistic.

Other humans may get down on their hands and knees and ask the almighty Lord for a new romance or intimate relationship. Sometimes people are able to meet other lonely human beings whenever they attend social functions or a church. People often feel safe when they encounter someone at a church service meeting which is held every Sunday.

Residents of Georgia have always been religious and the church helps them to overcome some of their hostile feelings towards others. An older woman who had always lived alone thought that her church group would be able to help her locate a mate. This story does indeed have a happy ending since she was able to connect with a man who finally married her.

An angry teenager thought that everyone at his school was cruel and hateful in every way possible. This boy believed that his prayers would eliminate each and every individual who tortured him daily. Some of the teachers at this location also picked on the young man since he would always appear untidy.

He was finally able to seek revenge on all of these people after stealing several of his father's guns. A great smile went across his face when he shot some of his teachers and other students that were hanging around. His lawyer convinced the jury that this young lad was quite disturbed and this gained him access to a mental ward.

In another part of the world a factory worker was having all types of money problems and it seemed as if he could not pay all of his bills. His wife and children were very worried about this situation and they knew something had to be done. One day this male decided to attend church and this was truly something that he had never done before.

The event did him a world of good and it helped to change his attitude towards people and the world in which he lived. He felt a great spirit go through his body while attending the church event. It only took a short period of time before his luck changed and he finally obtained a great deal of money.

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