Stop Smoking Tips and Research Reports

By Josie Uitendaal

More and more people seem to be on the bandwagon for trying to quit smoking, whether if it's for their health, social matters, or due to the ongoing rise in the cost of cigarettes and taxes. However, many still find that, despite all of the aids out there, that quitting isn't as easy as they would hope for. In the end, there are some stop smoking tips that you can use that may help in making the transition run more smoothly.[]

Often enough, the key to stop smoking comes down to knowing what your triggers are and how to work around them. Nicotine is addictive, but humans are also creates and victims of habit. These habits are generally developed while you smoke over time, whether it's physical, psychological and so forth. For example, some may be addicted to the sensation of inhaling smoke, holding a cigarette in their hand or in their mouth.Some people may also be in a pattern that boils down to their daily routine, like smoking after meals, during stressful or emotional times, in the morning when they wake up, or while they're out socializing. Generally, it's about rewarding themselves, motivation, or to calm themselves down or to make themselves happy. These are psychological, physical and patterned behaviors.

179 smokers at the Philadelphia Veterans Affairs Medical Center were split into two groups. Both groups were offered a free smoking cessation program that consisted of classes, a written collection of stop smoking tips and information about methods to stop smoking such as nicotine replacement (patches, gums, etc.) and prescription medications.One group was offered $20 for each class that they attended and a $100 bonus if they had quit smoking within 30 days of completing the program. No financial incentive was offered to the second group.

It is virtually impossible to smoke a cigarette with wet hands. So, whenever you have the urge for a puff, get your hands busy doing something else.This is a method that can scare smokers. If you know someone who works at the hospital, get them to bring you to visit the cancer ward. Try to find patients who suffer with cancer as a result of smoking. Talk to them. Chances are, you might quit smoking immediately.

If you happen to be quitting in order to save money or because you can't afford it, try to reward yourself with small treats as you can. You can set personal goals after you quit or cut back, saving up for an item that you normally couldn't afford or wouldn't normally splurge on. Even setting up a bank account for this purpose helps. You may also feel further motivated by knowing how much you're truly saving by quitting, especially due to the hike in taxes and prices.

Nicotine is not only physically addictive but mentally addictive too. The reason it is so difficult to quit smoking is because your psychological perception is that if you stopped smoking you would be losing out. Your mental image is that if you stopped smoking cigarettes you would be depriving yourself of some great pleasure. And to a certain extent that perception is absolutely correct. Once nicotine levels in your body fall below a certain level the only thing that will make you feel OK again is to smoke that next cigarette. When you light-up and inhale you get the immediate buzz of restoring your nicotine levels and your mind is therefore convinced that you've done something worthwhile!It is this double whammy that makes nicotine addiction such a difficult habit to cure.The only way to break the cycle is to change the way you feel about smoking. And that change has to take place deep in your subconscious.

In order to successfully quit smoking you need to have the desire and the confidence. You can quit but it will most likely be a challenge. It may help to think about how your life changes after you give up cigarettes.You will have more money in your pocket to do the things you want. If you are smoking a pack a day you are most likely spending more than $2,000.00 a year on cigarettes.Your mouth and teeth will be cleaner.There will be no nicotine stains on your fingers and fingernails.Your clothes, house and car will not smell like stale tobacco.Your lungs will start to heal as soon as you quit.Your overall health will improve.You can be proud of your accomplishment.

Any bad habit can be hard to break.The chemical reaction to nicotine influences your metabolism. Smoking immediately increases your blood pressure and oxygen level. When you take the first puff from a cigarette your brain is stimulated by the nicotine. When stimulated these areas can cause you to think more clearly while other areas like the pleasure center will make you feel relaxed.Hormones produced by the body that create chemical dependency are stimulated by nicotine. When you smoke the hormones rise and as the hormone levels drop between cigarettes your body begins to crave the nicotine.What will you do with your hands after you give up smoking?You can't imagine life without smoking.

In our culture struggle is seen as a natural and even admirable process of getting what we want. But when it comes to quitting smoking, relying on will power and determination only makes things worse for most people. You probably know what I'm talking about. Have you tried numerous stop smoking programs and products only to fail time and time again? It's not your fault! You're just following instructions... instructions that are, unfortunately, outdated and just don't work!You have to truly want a life without smoking more that the cigarettes themselves!This may sound obvious, but the fact remains that some people just aren't ready to quit.

Consume loads of water. Water is healthy anyway, and most people do not obtain enough. It will help flush the nicotine and other toxins out of your physical structure. Another positive effect water has is that it can help cut down cravings by satisfying the "oral desires" that you could have.Acquire what triggers your need for a cigarette, such as tension, the closing of a meal, arrival at the workplace, going in a saloon, etc. Avoid these triggers or if that's unimaginable, design secondary other methods to cope with these triggers.Get something to hold in your hand and mouth to replace cigarettes. Consider drinking straws or you could test one of those imitation cigarettes.These are some great tips to quit smoking but they don't work for everyone.I tried a product that has a 98% success rate and it worked for me. I told a couple of my smoker buddies about it and three of them tried it. IT WORKED FOR ALL THREE OF THEM!!! I'm just really excited to share this with you because we all know smoking is bad but WOW, it cost way too much money!!! Just check out this site. I know it will work for you!!! That 2% had to be people that really didn't attempt it but just wanted the money to test the product.

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