Wonderful Architecture On Christian Churches

By Lisa Myers

Are you a nut when it came to the designs on architecture? Does that also mean that you go nuts when you see exotic looking churches that are not from your country? Because we cannot get enough of those. We think our files are just full of these pictures and we are not ashamed at all. Someday, we would like to build one ourselves. Yeah, one of those Christian Churches Henderson NV.

Though we cannot really say that we have been big fans on the architecture itself. We more likely will gravitate towards all the history and story that comes from it. About who made the whole thing and what transpired behind it. Was there a war or a conflict that happened in between the building?

You do not just get to make up designs that would make the thing look awesome and amazing, but you have to be good at math enough to know that the whole building can actually hold up against the designs. That it will not fall down and kill everyone in it as soon as there is a slight shake of the earth or a blow of wind.

So sadly, we cannot really make something that is similar to the house in Hello Neighbor. Which is both a disappointment and a relief if we were being completely honest? Have you ever seen that house? With its train and its shark tank that fit the entire floor, it was on?

We did not have this back then and now that we do have it, we are kind of taking advantage of it far too much. We have started to really rely on it and that can either be bad or good. Good because we now are very complacent and confident in what our genius inventors have made for us. Bad because what is going to happen when this suddenly disappears?

We want to learn about how they struggled and how they solved it when they did not have the easy means that we do now. It sounds a bit silly now that we think about it. And watching all these simplified videos on Youtube kind of makes the whole thing funny and easy to learn. But they do not really portray them as accurately as we would want.

Because some of the materials we have now did not actually exist back then you know? Is it sorcery that did it? either that is actually the reason that we have buildings or not, you got to admit that it is impressive when you think about it.

At least we now have a name for a tactical maneuver when somehow we find ourselves a commanding general of war in the near future. That, we learned from an oversimplified video of the second world war by the way. Do you think their churches at the time withstood all that bombing?

Though we really are glad that slavery is not so much a thing nowadays than it was back then. Still, we know that in the underground world it still exists but we like to think that they now have a more fair chance of escaping that then we did back then.

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