Lucid Dream Meaning And Benefits

By Eric Russell

This is one really exciting thing that everyone deserves to try out. Have you ever imagined that you can walk on the sun and enjoy the moment or turn monsters into a friend in your nightmare? Well, nothing is impossible in a delusion that can be manipulated and designed to suit the preference of the dreamer. This may sound unreal but when you learn how to do it, you will believe the unbelievable. You will even have a chance to try it out and enjoy the fun when you get the chance. This guide will help you understand the articulate lucid dream meaning, its benefits and how it works.

You can access your subconscious. There is over ninety percent of data about yourself that i9s locked in your subconscious and that many people do not get the opportunity to access in their lifetime. Through articulate dreaming, you can reach such data about yourself and experience the things you thought could be experienced or that could not happen. For instance, you can conquer your biggest fears or even reach destinations you have always dreamt of visiting.

It makes it possible for you to interpret your dreams correctly. Dreams do not always mean the literal occurrence in the dreams. Sometimes it is about something else in your life that is far different from the occurrence in the vision. For instance, if you have a nightmare where you are falling down a bottomless pit, it may mean you fear that a relationship that is very important to you is ending.

It helps you to face and conquer your fears. People have nightmares when they sleep because there are things that they fear that haunt them in their sleep. Through articulate dreaming, your subconscious mind tries to help you by playing out these fears that you may be having or that you think you have during your sleep.

It can end all your nightmares and bad dreams. Nightmares are common and they can be terrifying in your sleep. If you do not want to experience any more bad dreams, lucidity can help you achieve that without stress. If you are in lucidity during a nightmare experience, you would realize that it is all in the minds.

It comes with so much fun. The notion that lucidity is associated with fear, weirdness, dark, and scary things is not true. Besides this, you can realize the beauty and fun that come with it. It can be a great source of enjoyment if you know how to use it right.

It can help you with problem-solving. If there are things that are troubling you, or questions that you may be seeking answers to in vain, lucidity can help you solve them in your sleep. You can come up with a game-changing idea in your dreams.

Lucidity provides a sanctum for self-reflection. Deep meditation is necessary for the success of your existence. That is why you should try out lucidity. It will provide you with the serene experience to reflect on the things that matter to your life.

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