As The End Of Time Draws Near There Arise A Need For Ministry Start Up Coaching And Consulting

By Robert Foster

The bible takes us through a series of events that if you follow you are on the right truck. Coming closer to the almighty God is the best thing that you will ever consider to do. The article talks of the topic the apostolic ministry start up coaching and consulting

God goes out and apprehends someone - by the Lakeside - at his tax-collecting booth - or knocks him off his horse and blinds him for three days. God has His way of attracting our attention, and no man just decides to take up this department. There has to be a response. Often it can take the form of, "I can't do that" - "I'm only a child" - "I cannot speak" - or even, "You have come to the wrong man."

This is why prophecy is so famous. God would rather have us take proactive measures, and lead to alleviate the burdens in the world. Prophecy opens the door for us to be active. The word predicted in the previous Scripture is translated semaino (say-mah'-ee-no) derived from the word sema; meaning "a mark; to indicate or to signify." Agabus, the prophet, marked a word and spoke it with great confidence.

In every prophetic department, we witness moral uprightness. We see simplicity of worship and spiritual directness. Each prophetic ministry displays high standards of inter-personal relationships. It is all there in the Sermon on the Mount. Some plead that biblical standards are too high, too narrow, too limiting, for today. Not so.

In this passage, Jeremiah highlights three critical factors in the prophetic ministry. Prophets are to develop an intimate relationship with God since it is from this link that they acquire the ability to perceive what God is saying by visual or audible methods. Then they are to mark or ensure that what they receive is indeed a word from God.

John hears God's Word to him, and it is quite simple and clear. "Take the book, " so I went and took the book, and the angel said, "Eat it, " and when he took it and ate it, it was as sweet as honey in his mouth, but when he digested it, it became sour and bitter. This book, the Bible, is both sweet and bitter. To some this word is sweet, and others can be wishing the whole service was over.

What happens in one of these sessions with God? First, you connect and relate to your Creator. God desires a relationship with His people, but we are to make a concerted effort to meet with Him during our prayer times. His presence is addictive, once we make it in we experience dimensions of Him that are all too wonderful, and naturally, we are inclined to want more of Him.

Jeremiah wanted to run a mile from God when God called him to exercise a prophetic ministry. God had left the church of that day, and the Jerusalem priests were unaware of what had happened. The burden Jeremiah carried was hefty, causing him to weep. Weeping can be part of the experience of today's prophets.

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