Understanding How An Arm Lift Is Performed

By Andrew Moore

An arm lift, also referred to as brachioplasty, is a procedure that is performed to remove excess skin and fat cells from a person's upper arm. Ideally, the end result is firmer, more youthful looking upper arms. As people age, the skin of this area often becomes flabby and loose, and this procedure was designed to reverse this occurrence. Only a qualified plastic surgeon can perform the aforementioned surgery.

The incision necessary during brachioplasty extends from the armpit to the elbow. In certain cases, an incision is also required on one side. The plastic surgeon may suggest liposuction, as well. However, this will depend on the individual patient and how much fat must be removed to complete the procedure.

There are many reasons a man or woman may pursue this type of surgery. For example, those who were formerly obese and shed a significant amount of weight may have been left with flabby, loose upper arm skin. One may also simply tend to carry excess fat in this area, in which case such surgery may be a viable solution.

Choosing a plastic surgeon with care is important: even though such surgery is elective rather than essential to one's health, an arm lift is a major procedure. For this reason, it is never wise to move forward with a doctor with whom the patient is not comfortable.

It is important to read reviews on various cosmetic professionals, and ask to see before and after photos before scheduling surgery. One may also choose to verify the doctor's credentials on one of the many websites where information can be found about a physician's track record. Is always wise to interview several plastic surgeons before making a final decision, instead of scheduling the procedure with the first doctor one finds.

Ultimately, an arm lift can enhance a person's appearance, and therefore boost his or her self-confidence. However, not all individuals are good candidates for surgery. For this reason, it is important to weigh the pros and cons of such a procedure prior to finalizing one's plans.

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