How to Stop Anxiety Attacks Without Medication

By Brian F. Walters

Anxiety attacks are horrifying! But you can stop them. And you can prevent them without medication. Here, you'll discover what triggers anxiety attacks and how to stop them quite naturally.Typically, doctors prescribe medication such as anti-depressants, tranquilizers and even beta-blockers for anxiety and anxiety attacks. The anti-depressants for managing your 'mood', tranquilizers for 'calming' you, and, beta-blockers to help manage some of the physical symptoms of anxiety.

The method was developed by Barry McDonagh himself. He used to suffer from frequent panic attacks and GAD or the General Anxiety Disorder. According to him, some would not think that it is even possible to have a natural way of relief from panic attack. But amazingly, Barry developed a simple technique based on advanced psychology. He is happy to share his developments with those who, like him, are suffering from panic attacks.

First of all, one has to know the signs and symptoms if you think you have the condition. First off is the feeling of having a heart attack and tightness in the chest. There is also that feeling of nervousness and fear, especially if you are in an enclosed area or space such as traffic, supermarkets, cinemas or public transports. You are always paranoid about everything, even with normal situations, and sometimes you have the feeling that you might go insane and lose yourself. If you have such symptoms, you are sure to be experiencing a panic attack.

For example, at the very 'whiff' of danger to the body, chemical reactions were triggered in the brain that produced split-second physical and emotional responses in the body. These gave the person under threat the greatly enhanced capacity to fight an enemy or wild animal, or, to run away to safety. This is why we call this the body's 'fight or flight' response.

But how does all that relate to today, I hear you ask? Well, although the chances are that you aren't going to be confronted by a pack of wild animals or a neighbouring tribe, looking to tear you limb from limb (lol), all your body needs to be faced with is the 'perception' that you are in danger. You see, the human body really is marvelous; it doesn't take any chances with your life. If there is even a sense of danger, it doesn't wait around to check and confirm it, it takes no chances and just triggers its fight or flight response!

So, in today's society, what can possibly 'trick' the mind into thinking that you are in danger when you definitely aren't?.If you suffer from anxiety attacks then you already have higher than (your) normal levels of stress and anxiety. There could be a number of reasons for this, but the result is that you constantly worry, stress and even obsess on a daily basis. And probably about things that you would have taken in your stride in the past.

Now, in your vulnerable state, all it takes is for your stress / anxiety to rise even more, due to a stressful event or situation, such as sitting (or studying for) an exam, being stuck in traffic, shopping in a very crowded supermarket, etc. The outcome is that your overall anxiety levels are increased dramatically enough to 'fool' your mind into believing that you're under threat, and so the fight or flight response is triggered.

First you need to switch your thinking. Right now you're probably thinking the worst is going to happen, people are making negative assumptions of you of you feel like you couldn't handle a conversation if the spotlight is put on you. Change this way of thinking to a positive outlook, picture yourself in your mind as the confident happy person you want to become.

Have you let yourself go? Throwing on your comfy clothes all the time? Is your home a mess? Are there jobs that need doing? Start to take care yourself, you'll be amazed at how much better you will feel if you dress better. The way people will perceive you will change to. If you home is full of clutter and odd jobs that need doing, write a list and tackle a task each day. This will focus your mind on other things and also creates a positive result.

So, rather than working on your general anxiety first (with your fear of anxiety attacks always in the background), you need to get rid of your fear and so break out of this vicious cycle of; anxiety,anxiety attack,fear,more anxiety,another anxiety attack,more fear,etc. Then, once having banished your fear of attacks, which will help prevent further attacks, you can then work on effectively eliminating your general anxiety.And, the first stage in this process, is to realize that your anxiety attacks can't harm you. As you now know, they are just the symptoms of a perceived threat that doesn't even exist. The next step is to learn and utilize a technique to help you eliminate your fear of anxiety attacks.

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