Without Troubled Youth Programs Indianapolis Youngsters Have No Support

By Robert Parker

In days gone by communities looked after each other and nobody was left out in the cold. In this modern world, however, it is much different. People do not care for others and they focus on nothing but their own needs and wants. Young people, especially, are vulnerable to bad influences. Many of them have no income other than what they can beg on the streets and many others have no skills to find any employment at all. Without troubled youth programs Indianapolis youngsters will not stand a chance.

The family has always been the cornerstone of any healthy society. When the family structure disintegrates, society also suffers. Unfortunately, dysfunctional families are now commonplace. Parents are driven and far to busy to spend quality time with their children. In the process, many young people grow up isolated and left to their own devices. Some charities try to create systems where these young people will feel accepted and needed.

The very high unemployment rate certainly plays an important role too. Sadly, far too many youngsters do not have skills that render them able to find work. Organizations that care about them therefore focus on skills training, helping these young people to become eligible to find work. Many organizations have networks of contacts that help them find these young people work and training opportunities.

A very large percentage of young people on the streets and in trouble suffer from a variety of behavioural problems. They need to cope, so they shun traditional values and they develop behaviour patterns that are harmful to themselves and society as a whole. Some organizations offer these young people counselling. The focus is on discovering their inner strengths, to develop a purpose in life and to formulate plans in order to achieve those goals.

Many youngsters will turn to crime and end up with a criminal record. A large percentage of them will become dependent upon substances, rendering them unable to become upstanding citizens. That is why a number of organizations focus on rehabilitation. This is a big challenge as substance abuse is rife among the homeless and the young. The failure rate is high but every success story is celebrated.

A few churches, charities and even official social welfare departments have realized that one of the prime reasons why young people revert back to drugs, fail to hold their jobs and stop attending counselling sessions is that they have no place to stay. These organizations provide shelters for these youngsters and they make sure that they have at least one balanced meal every day.

Sadly, organizations doing their best to help often battle to do so because they simply do not have enough resources. Even government departments concerned with social development have extremely limited resources and they simply cannot meet the enormous need for help. This lack of resources means that fewer needy youngsters can be helped. Society as a whole should become involved and accept responsibility.

The young need help. More and more youngsters are caught up in drugs, crime and aberrant behavioural patterns. Society as a whole should care more and realize that these youngsters are indeed the future of the country.

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