The Best Law Of Attraction Advice

By Essie Osborn

Drawing what our hearts' desire into our lives can be one of our greatest wishes and there are many ways to accomplish this. Using the Law of Attraction advice to help guide us on our way will assist us in getting the results we want and need. The many techniques are truly remarkable if you can focus on this concept of metaphysical thought.

The first step a person needs to take is to truly have a strong belief that he can have and be anything he wants within reason. Without this belief, seeking your goals will be futile and totally ineffectual.

A person must aim high toward his aspirations. What he attempts to attract into his life must be something that he wants but is out of his reach. To desire something that is coming your way anyway does not require any focus or work on your part. It needs to be a challenge that stretches both your belief system and focus. Your desires must be clear and specific to allow the universe to begin the process of finding them for you.

An easy and effective method of drawing what you desire into your life is to construct a vision board. This consists of pictures and wording on poster board that signify your wants and desires. For example, if you want to go to college, cut out pictures of campuses and books and add an illustration of a diploma at the end. If you want a date for the prom, clip a photo of a handsome or pretty person or even a specific individual along with photos of corsages, dresses and tuxedos and paste in the board. Place your vision board where you can see it constantly throughout the day and change it as needed.

A similar method is to write out a description of what a perfect day in your life would be. Describe the home you live in, the family you have, the work you do and also how happy and content you feel. Read and re-read this account several time a week until it becomes ingrained in your mind and part of your day-to-day routine. If you are focused enough, it will eventually begin to turn into a reality for you.

You can also choose a goal and focus on it before sleeping. It can be a symbolic picture or a written description. This action will assist in ingraining the image in your mind and it will begin to work on making it come to pass while you sleep. Begin to watch for signs and clues that what you desire is coming to pass.

Speak daily affirmations supporting your goals. Always stay positive that these wishes and aspirations will come to pass. Express gratitude in advance for the blessings you are about to receive.

Attracting the wants and desires of your heart into your life are not selfish gestures but a fulfillment of who you are and what you will eventually become. Be true to yourself in requesting from the universe what will truly make you whole and fulfilled. Don't worry about how or when it will all come to pass but remain steadfast in your belief that you deserve all that is good and right for your future.

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