Be Ready for your Botox Procedure

By Craig W. Nevilt

Once you've decided that BOTOX is the right way for you to achieve a more youthful, aesthetically pleasing look, you need to prepare yourself. The treatments are quick and uncomplicated. As a result, you should be able to review in detail the procedure you are about to undergo. Be sure to educate yourself. And try to clearly define what outcomes you would like and be able to communicate those to your doctor. This is the best way to insure your comfort and success.

The day of the procedure is very straightforward, and the best way to prepare is solely to know what to expect. When you are with your doctor, you will be asked to sit in a reclining, dentist-like chair. Again, the person administering your Botox treatment will likely ask you to contract specific muscles, then he or she will mark the injection locations. That's why your desired results are important to articulate.

Right After the Treatment

As soon as the Botox injections are administered, you'll likely have some red dots showing in the area of treatment. Instances of minor bruising or swelling have presented themselves in very rare cases. However, any discoloration can easily be disguised with a bit of make-up and will fade within a few hours of the procedure. Since this is a non-surgical procedure, facial scars are not a concern. Doctors recommend using an ice bag on the injection site for a few minutes after the procedure. This should eliminate or reduce any inflammation.

After the injections have been completed, your doctor should provide you with Botox recovery instructions. Be sure to schedule your appointment far enough in advance of an event to enjoy its full effects. The full effect of the treatment will take about a week to fully realize.

What Does is Really Cost?

Getting a procedure done is generally quite affordable, which is one of the main reasons for the procedure's ongoing popularity. It depends on the type of procedure you are getting, but it's safe to say it isn't going to break the bank. A typical A BOTOX session will usually cost between $300 and $400 per syringe. In fact, only collagen will normally be priced lower than BOTOX. To maintain results, BOTOX patients will have to pay somewhere in that general range every 4-6 months.

Botox Side Effects

When Botox side effects do happen, they're usually temporary. They can show themselves within the first week of injection, and can, in some instances, persist for several months. The kinds of side effects depend on what area you had treated with Botox. For patients with frown lines, the most common Botox related side effects include:

▪ headache

▪ respiratory infection

▪ flu-like symptoms

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