Personal Stories And Testimonials Regarding Addiction

By Estelle Larsen

When one has an addiction, it is usually to either alcohol or drugs. Although it is quite a known fact that these two substances are definitely dangerous to health if taken in huge quantities, many people still actually suffer from alcohol or drug abuse. There are in fact a thousand personal stories and testimonials regarding addiction that are out there.

Although each and every abuser may have their own situation and story, there is one thing that all these people do have in common. The one thing that they have in common is that they are not happy with their lives and are looking for a way to escape what is happening to them. Because of this, they delve into the world of alcohol and drugs in order to make themselves forget everything.

The storyteller would often first state why he chose the path of vices and how he felt during that time. Now there could be a number of causes or reasons as to why he made this choice but the usual would be depression or a trauma. Now if one would take a look at all the stories, he will notice that one thing all patients have in common is that they all do not have very high self esteem and take these substances as a way of escaping life.

Of course due to all of those vices, he will tell the story of how to changed his behavior into something worse than before. Some of the changes would include short temper, anxiousness, reclusive tendencies and others. Of course his loved ones will then notice this drastic change in him and will actually try to help him get over it.

Somewhere along the line, the substances will already take a toll on the health of the storyteller. Most people who are into drug abuse will experience pain and craving for the drug, especially those who are into the heavier type of drugs like cocaine or ecstasy. Of course with alcohol abuse, one will definitely start having problems with his liver and other internal organs.

Of course once they realized that something bad is happening with them, they try to get help. When they get help, the medical team first would try to cleanse his body of the substance. They have to make sure that there is no more trace of drugs or alcohol in his body before he goes on to the psychological treatment.

The storyteller would then share his experiences during his rehabilitation stage. It is here that through medical procedures, his body will be cleansed of all the drugs and the alcohol that is inside. Of course after the physical cleansing, he will then go through a mental and emotional cleansing as well most likely with a psychologist.

Now basically, those are the things that all stories with regard to addiction will have in common. It is great for patients to share their tales with other patients because they will all be able to relate to each other since they pretty much went through the same thing. It will make them feel like they are not alone and that there is still hope for them to be able to change themselves.

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