Why Prayers For Humanity Is Essential

By Marissa Velazquez

It is sad that some Christians are not keen as far as praying is concerned. The implication of this is that their faith in God becomes weak as time goes by. This is why you find that small things that take place in life shake and worry such Christians. They forget that the God they trust is able to calm any kind of storms that find them in their life. Prayers for humanity is the only way a Christian can use to exercise their faith in their creator.

One reason Christians should enjoy going to God in prayer is that God is not like human being. You should not fear telling God your worries, no matter how they are. This is because; God will help you go through the challenges that you experience. Again, you can be sure that God will not let other people know the things you are going through. Instead of talking to your friends or even pastor, let God help you.

Another benefit of praying to God, rather than bother people with your things, is that God is never tired of us calling him. If anything, he is always ready for us. You can go to God as many times as you want in a day. People get tired to listen to other peoples problems. However, the heavenly father is always open to your prayers.

As a Christians, you should not keep your pain to yourself. This is because; you have a friend you can pour your pain to. When you are divorced, deserted, or lost your loved one, you may lack peace to cope with life. However, praying can help you regain your strength. This is God helps in renewing the faith of Christians.

Christians are filled with guilt whenever they sin. Sometimes, Christian commits sins that seem unforgivable in the eyes of human being. However, God is loving and ready to receive any person who has sinned against God. Even though your sins are as red as a scarlet, God will make them as white as snow. You simply need to pray for forgiveness.

Are you hungry, sick, deserted, or feeling as if you are not able to move on? Instead of killing yourself in anguish, consider praying to the most high God. He has the power to heal, and provide your needs. He feeds the birds though they do not work; he is well able to provide you your need according to His riches in glory.

Sometimes, you may want to pray, but lack the strength to do so. You do not have to worry. Trust in God, he knows your needs even before you start to pray. You may also join a group of believers and pray together. This will ensure that you are strong. It will also make your faith stronger.

One thing that a Christian should not ignore is prayer. This is because; the devil is at work to make sure that Christians fail in their faith. However, with prayers for humanity, Christians shall emerge winners. The Holy Spirit is in the watch out to see that Christians win the battle of faith.

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