Theta Healing Practitioner And Its Brief Explanation

By Dennis Morris

Vianna Stibal has been known during an incident that she was able to heal tumor that pained her leg. This happened in 1995 wherein she introduced the technique called Theta Healing. She has studied certain healings and treatments which are all natural to treat patients that made her a naturopath. Spiritual philosophy and meditation described her technique. The goal is to be brought closer with the Creator which has no religion for reference.

The practices utilizes the body, the mind, and the spirit with the reason to cut beliefs and look at life the best way there is. Now let us discover more about the Theta Healing practitioner and its brief explanation. The explanation behind this is vague for it is more on spirituality so one has to be very keen in taking part of the activity for some may not agree with everything.

One common term these practitioners know of is the Creator. There seems to be no exact information if this refers to God but according to them, the Creator is a spirit which connects everything that is existing. In the meditation, there lies prayer involved too. Working with their Creator keeps them in harmony.

The word, Theta, comes from brain waves. They are patterns of brain activity in every cycle. Theta is one category of brain waves and it refers to inactivity, drowsiness, and inhibition in response to stimuli. In other words, the healing aims to awaken the brain wave.

DNA activation has been talked about as well. It wants to awaken the DNA in full force. The 3 ways to actually activate them are the Earth Schumann waves, anyone, and group conscience. When they finally get activated, one can withstand environmental poisons that man has created. Same response happens by awakening the psychic abilities of a person.

Alone, one can just perform the procedure. He or she must attend seminars until one can reach the final seminar. Another significant thing to ponder is that one must be doing this with the right person whom he or she is comfy with. Getting to know the practitioners with different expertise can help you.

The seminar actually has different creative ways of approaches. Some may start asking you the will to bind with their energy. Integrity is needed once they ask about issues either physically or emotionally.

Stibal also gained numerous criticisms from those who heard her stories and followers. Some people allegedly said that her advertisements may have mentioned that the technique can cure cancer. Not everyone believed that a certain natural tactic could cure one.

Given with the task to bring vibrant hopes to other people, the practices may actually work for several others. If nothing has worked so far, she would not have received believers so far. Who knows maybe a miracle was behind the activities. Clearly, one thing can happen to others and some cannot. Just lay low and accept that the best lesson there is to learn is by having to do anything instead of nothing.

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1 comment:

  1. Vansa Bali is one of the front runners of self-development and empowerment in the UAE.
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