Copyscape Rejects The Use Of The Given Key Words

By Linda Ruiz

When a person feels threatened it is only natural to become frightened and the age old fight or flee reaction sets in. Most people are able to process their feelings and reactions when they are exposed to traumatic incidents but people that suffer from PTSD simply cannot let it go. They are scared even when the danger or trauma goes away. Online information and support resources for post traumatic stress disorder can help sufferers to cope and to understand their own conditions.

The existence of PTSD first became a recognized brain condition when many war veterans proved to be unable to cope with day to day life. Instead they experience past terrors as if they were happening now. It is not only those that directly experience the terror that are in danger of developing PTSD. Even people that were witnesses to such an event can develop PTSD.

People that suffer from PTSD often experience traumatic events over and over again. This reliving is often as traumatic as the original experience. Their hearts start racing and they may sweat profusely. The flashback can be triggered by almost anything. Sometimes it is simply a word, or a picture or just a coincidental social situation. Many sufferers also relive traumatic experiences in the form of nightmares.

Most sufferers of PTSD also show avoidance symptoms such as staying away from places, activities and situations that may trigger a flashback. Many patients simply lose interest in activities that were previously enjoyable. Most patients also suffer from sleeping disorders and they may even develop depression. A constant feeling of guild is also common, as is sudden outbursts of anger and frustration.

Patients are generally treated by a combination of drugs and psychotherapy. Many patients benefit from being able to talk about their feelings and emotions but sadly a large percentage of sufferers never seek help. Therapists can help patients to develop coping mechanisms and to devise strategies to deal with the symptoms when they appear. Additional drugs to treat depression and insomnia may also be prescribed.

Many PTSD patients are withdrawn and struggle to interact in a social or even therapeutic environment. Such patients should seriously consider joining one of the many helpful sites that are dedicated to this condition. These sites offer valuable information, advice on how to cope with the symptoms of the condition and many even host interactive forums.

Patients and their families should consider focusing upon one or two sites that they find most valuable and helpful. It may be a good idea to choose a site that publishes authoritative material written by experts. It is also advisable to settle on a site that makes provision for communication between patients and experts and also for communications among the patients themselves.

PTSD can be a debilitating condition and sufferers often feel as if they are isolated and even ostracized. The families of sufferers also need help. Websites that can offer such help and encouragement can do much to help sufferers and their families to cope better.

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