
Persistence: refusing to give up, especially when faced with opposition or difficulty; continuing firmly or steadily

Persistence: the act of continually pursuing something in spite of obstacles

1. Commitment
 2. An Open Mind 
3. Persistence 
4. Flexibility
 5. Faith 
6. Thankfulness 
7. Passion
If having a dream and committing to its ultimate achievement is something like plotting your final destination ahead of an exciting journey, then persistence is rather like the engine you need in order to get there.

Persistence is what drives you on to take the next step in your journey; persistence is what prevents you from getting discouraged by what may have happened in the past; persistence is where the rubber meets the road!

Here is a story, of unknown origin, that perfectly illustrates what persistence is all about ...
There was a certain young man who went to meet a famous guru to ask the question, "which way is success?"

The wise old sage did not speak. Instead, he pointed to some place far off in the distance.

 The man, delighted at the thought of quick success, took off in the appropriate direction. But, suddenly, there was a loud noise – a kind of "splat!" Eventually, the man staggered back, surprised and a bit bruised too.

 Assuming he must have misunderstood the message, he repeated his question. The guru again pointed silently in the same direction.

The man walked away once more and, after a little time, there was another loud “splat!” noise.

 When the man crawled back, he was stunned, hurt, and angry too. "Hey" he shouted at the guru, "I asked you which way is success? I followed your directions and all I got splatted! Will you quit all of this pointing malarkey and talk!"

book The 7 Keys to Success by Will Edwards

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