Avoid The Pretty Wallpaper Of Life

By Evan Sanders

Appreciate the madness in real things.

If there's no uncertainty in your life, there's a complete lack of depth. Why? Because when you think you "no" everything that is going on you are not looking at what's actually happening in the world. There is so much that we do not see and do not understand, so to be at a place of "knowing" is actually at a place of ignorance. The true magic of life is diving into the depths of uncertainty, especially within your soul, and discovering what is truly possible for yourself that you didn't know you were capable of before.

Doubt? Embrace it.

We live in a world that is riddled with complete chaos. Everything is going so fast that it's a miracle we are even able to keep ourselves together. But if we slow down a bit we are able to tap into all of the direction, wisdom, and security we need. How? Because when we take a moment to stop and appreciate what is going on right now in this moment we can actually see what is here vs. what's always off in the future. We can check in with ourselves and much more easily tap into our relationships with others.

Surface level foundations never work - try building a home on wallpaper.

In order to truly develop, you have to get down to the foundational level and start building from there. If you always stay at the surface level, like I've said before, you continue to play with the wallpaper before the support beams are even built. Priorities matter when you are trying to make serious changes. Keep them straight.

But in real things (thoughts, feelings, experiences) that have some depth to them, they are not wallpaper in any way. They have some madness to them. They are not predictable, certain and they are almost always completely surprising. They rip the rug out from under you and help you pop right back up when you are down. It's a bit chaotic, but that is the point. The chaos is the attractive part. The chaos is the art. When you start to live in that place, your whole life becomes part of that painting. Then, when you begin to accept that you have a role to play in this world, you can begin to develop the faith driven hand of the painter.

But you have to build your foundations first.

Roll around in the dust. Get mud on your face. Tear down the wallpaper. Burn down the termite ridden support beams you have made throughout the years and dance in the ashes of it all. That rock solid ground you are standing on - that's going to be the location where you build your life. It's time to build it over again and do the work you have always been scared to do.

Don't survive. Thrive.

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