Traits Of Emotional Intelligence Leadership Development

By Ruth Green

Leadership is a very vital role. It usually involves a number of people looking up to you and expecting you to give them directions on what to do. Being emotionally intelligent is being able to perceive and understand the emotions of other people. As a leader being emotionally intelligent is crucial. Below is the importance of emotional intelligence leadership development.

They have compassion. Contrary to popular belief, a good leader should be able to show emotions. They should aim at making their staff feel that their employers actually do care for them. They should also be compassionate with their clients by finding out how they are doing and such. Every worker would appreciate having a leader who cares.

An emotionally intelligent leader should know that communicating with their staff is a very necessary thing. They cannot magically read minds and tell what is required of them. Even in implementing decisions, the employees should be made aware so that they know what is expected of them. They should also be given a platform to give their opinions.

Being able to point out your own weaknesses without being told is a trait that makes a good leader. You know what you are good with and you, therefore, give it youre all. As for your weaknesses, there are many ways to deal with them. One is by hiring a person who is strong in your weak areas or promoting a person who shows strength where you do not.

Respect is a key thing in every relationship. However, respect should not only be between two or more people. A person should be able to respect themselves. The way you treat yourself around people is exactly how they will treat you. A leader, therefore, should not only respect their employees but also handle themselves with respect as well.

Your employees should not just be people who work for you. They should be able to see that not even you are perfect. Discuss with them issues affecting your work and do not be afraid to show some emotions. Talking like a robot may cause them not to take you seriously. Once you show them some emotion, they will feel a lot easier around you.

An intelligent person generally has a sense of humor. Most bosses do not show that side of themselves which in turn creates a very tense working environment. Having a sense of human at the place of work lightens up the mood. People tend to work harder and even faster when there is an aspect of fun involved. This gets more work done.

Confidence is a big part of the emotional intelligence. Nothing in the world always runs smooth. When the business is in crisis, it is important that the leader be able to remain calm and make decisions without second-guessing them. If the leader gets overwhelmed and over reacts, the staff members will do the same and they may bring everything to a standstill until the crisis is averted.

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